Three Products to Save You Time and Money for A Safer and Easier 2019!

Time, money, safety and ease – who wouldn’t want more of these in 2019, especially if you are in the water pipe repair business. Whether you are an installer, superintendent, constructor or a procurement manager, each of the three HYMAX products introduced in 2018, will help you save time and money, and make your work safer and easier throughout the new year. 

HYMAX 2 (2″-12″)
The next generation HYMAX with its no-tear flip gasket easily accommodates different
pipe materials and diameters for more efficient installations.


HYMAX2 enables a faster and more efficient installation with the next generation Flip gasket that can be flipped in and out to accommodate different pipe ODs.  Only 2-4 bolts to tighten for couplings up to 12”.


Eliminates costly gasket removal mistakes since there is no need to tear out gasket layers to accommodate larger pipe ODs. Dynamic deflection reduces risk of damage and cracking due to ground shifts and temperature changes.


Top-facing 2-bolts mean no under-digging to tighten bolts, and less time in the ditch.


T-handle makes it easy to carry and adjust on the pipe.


The first transition coupling that can connect to a mechanical joint while
restraining the connecting plain pipe with a HYMAX GRIP connection.


With only one bolt to tighten, the HYMAX GRIP Cut-in Sleeve can replace two products without installing thrust blocks or rodding.


Avoid buying multiple repair products for repairs involving MJ connections and save on reduced labor costs.


Fast installation means less time in the ditch, a key factor to increase worker safety.


The radial closing mechanism holds pipes tightly in place during installation to offer full control over the gap between pipes. With only one bolt to tighten the GRIP connection, installations are simple and uncomplicated.


HYMAX GRIP SwivelJoint (4″-12”)

Connects and restrains two pipes at any angle from 0° to 90°, providing
an efficient solution for field situations involving irregular angles between pipes.


Perform the functions of multiple products that would be needed otherwise, saving on installation time.



Save by using the HYMAX GRIP Swiveljoint instead of multiple repair products to do the same job while minimizing labor costs.


Faster installations means less time in the ditch and a safer job for installers.

The solution for every irregular pipe angle – don’t get caught unprepared!


In this issue of HYMAX Connected
Jan. 2019 HYMAX Connected | Three Products to Save You Time and Money for A Safer and Easier 2019! | Monthly Tip: At Night, Move Carefully and Deliberately on the Work Site | Employee Profile: Doug Riseden | Upcoming Events