June 2019 HYMAX Connected

Welcome to the June issue of HYMAX Connected! It was so great to see so many of our valued customers at ACE19 earlier this month. If you need any further info about anything you saw or discussed at the HYMAX booth, email me and let me know. Just mention my name in the subject line and I will get your message.

In this issue:

  • New videos of the HYMAX GRIP Cut-in Sleeve including a real-time installation
  • Advice from Doug Riseden on the importance of not using clamps to couple pipes
  • Q&A with Texas territory sales manager Joe Etchergaray
  • The winner of the ACE19 raffle
  • Upcoming events this summer and fall

Wishing you a great summer!

All the best,
Cindy Kransler
Sales Vice President, HYMAX

In this issue of HYMAX Connected
June 2019 HYMAX Connected | Videos: HYMAX Cut-in Sleeve Installation | HYMAX Tip: Stop Using Clamps to Couple Pipe | HYMAX Employee Q&A: Joe Etchegaray | ACE19 Raffle: We have a winnah! | Upcoming Events